Body Scan Meditation (8 minutes)

This meditation helps you relax by guiding your awareness through different parts of your body, releasing tension as you go.


11/8/20241 min read

round black and brown gong beside potted green leafed palnt
round black and brown gong beside potted green leafed palnt


  1. Get Comfortable – Lie down on your back or sit in a comfortable position with your hands resting on your lap or at your sides.

  2. Take a Few Deep Breaths – Breathe deeply and slowly, allowing your body to relax more with each exhale.

  3. Begin the Body Scan:

    • Focus on the Head and Face – Notice any tension in your forehead, jaw, or eyes. Let these areas soften and relax.

    • Move to the Shoulders and Arms – Bring your awareness to your shoulders. Imagine them sinking gently downward, releasing any tension. Let your arms feel heavy and relaxed.

    • Focus on the Chest and Stomach – Feel your breath rising and falling in the chest and abdomen. Allow these areas to feel soft and open.

    • Scan the Legs and Feet – Move down to your thighs, knees, calves, and finally your feet, letting go of any remaining tension in each part.

  4. Take a Moment to Rest – Once you’ve completed the scan, take a few deep breaths, feeling your entire body relaxed and at ease.

  5. Close the Meditation – Slowly open your eyes, noticing the sense of calm throughout your body. Thank yourself for taking this time.